Saturday, 18 September 2010

Week 4 Win

Bridleway markerImage via WikipediaYay - week 4 OVER!  I spent most of today's run wondering what week 5 will be like, but did have the courage to run a bit along the main road into the village (into traffic) to find a bit more of the bridleway that I love running along.

I have had to have words with myself as I found myself feeling disappointed that I've not lost weight (according to the Wii).  I think I must have done the classic putting on a bit of muscle as my jeans are definitely looser and even if only I'm noticing it, I feel a little bit more toned.  I am very happy with how quickly I am getting my breath back within the walking segments of the programme.  I found myself thinking about how I need to just build stamina so I can run longer, then I can build speed once I have the endurance. 

Tomorrow is the Great North Run - a half marathon in NE England and something I've never been interested in before.  I might have a watch of it and you never know, it could be a long term goal for me to aim for.  Just for the moment, I'm aiming to get through this programme and who knows what then!

Monday, 13 September 2010

And another one bites the dust

No, not me - another week!

I have been diligent in keeping to the programme and am so proud that I ran on Thursday and Saturday so got to the end of week 3 without faltering.  Saturday was a little draining as it was warm and muggy, bu it felt great to finish the week on target.

I approached today with my usual trepidation - how the heck was I going to ramp up from 3 min to 5 min runs when it was hard enough going from 90 seconds to 3 mins?  I am not one to back down though, so off I went, Chubby Jones in my ears as ever.  I decided I'd try to reverse my route somewhat, so that added a bit of interest.  The routine this week is Brisk five-minute warm up walk, then:
•Jog 3 minutes
•Walk 90 seconds
•Jog 5 minutes
•Walk 2-1/2 minutes
•Jog 3 minutes
•Walk 90 seconds
•Jog 5 minutes
then cool down 5 mins walk

I was amazed that the 3 minute jog that seemed so hard last week was fine today.  I suppose my focus was on what was to come.  I did find myself thinking that my calves were feeling tight as I went along, but I am always tight to start with, despite doing the stretches and warm up.  Anyhow, the first 5 minute jog loomed and off I went at my usual, tentative snail pace.  It was a challenge, but I got to the end of the 5 minutes without stopping or walking - I just ran.  The walk was so welcome, but I am happy to be noticing that it is taking me less time to get my breath back so I even had to time to enjoy some of my walk  before the sequence repeated. 

The second 3 minute jog seemed to take a very long time, but again determination saw me through.  By the time I walked to the last 5 minute jog I had taken myself to a new road to jog along, which was kind of a mistake as it started downhill and then was uphill for the last 90 seconds - eek!  Sheer willpower won out and I was elated to finish.

Another demon thwarted! 

Buoyed by this, I have 'outed' myself on facebook and ravelry as doing the programme and have loved the positive reactions.  someone pointed out that I am nearly half way through the programme - what a surprise that was as I am deliberately focusing on the current or next day.  My children keep asking me what I'm going to do when I finish the programme, but that is too nebulous for me to consider.  I'd rather take it all just one step at a time.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Week 3

This deserves a post to itself.  I was really scared of week 3 and was quite happy that it was too windy and rainy yesterday to go out.  DH who also got fitted for trainers on Saturday came back from taking our son to triathlon training with the news that they've entered a reverse 5k next Monday.  You estimate your time, have no timing devices and the one who finishes closes to their estimate wins.

DH is very cycling fit but has not ran for a long time.  He said he would like to come out with me, but he's going to be so late back tonight (and he's cooking dinner).  We talked and I knew I'd not be able to attempt W3 with pork chop and mash inside me, so I went out before lunch today. 

I was so surprised because I DID IT!

I deliberately ran the 3 minute runs very slowly so that I didn't blow up at any point and I was so proud to get to the end of the session.  Because I ran slowly and I think this week's set is slightly shorter, I 'only' ran/walked 1.5 miles, but I did it!  I can't tell you how happy it made me - I really felt like I conquered a mental block/demon today


Where did the time go?!

I have kept to the weekly schedule and missed reporting on W1 D3 and the whole of W2!

I can't even remember W1D3 now.  I think the thought of ramping up to 90 second runs put it out of my head.  However, I got through the whole of W2 despite my initial trepidations.  I've now run in the rain, the sun, in the morning, in the evening and during the day.  I've shyly acknowledged other more experienced runners as they ran past and said hello to me (at that point I could wave but not speak!) and even faced the fear of the local running shop to get fitted for a beautiful, supportive pair of Saucony trainers.  And no, the young bloke in there did not laugh at me; I did run on the treadmill to have my gait assessed and for some reason am really pleased that I have a neutral action (this is where I fall down though - is that the right phrase? So glad I'm not trying to pass myself of as someone who knows anything about running).

I did the last day of W2 in my new trainers and I could not feel a lot of difference.  I may have bought well fitting trainers previously or it may be that I'm not at a level where I understand good and bad  yet. (Note the yet.).  However, looking at the Garmin, I did 2 miles in that session - then as I was further from home than I anticipated , walking back added on another 0.3 miles.  I was cockahoop with that on Saturday!

So, W2 out of the way, I had a look at W3 and got scared.  Two 3 minute runs?  How was I going to do that?